From the Vicarage – November 2022

As I sit down to write this month’s letter its very windy outside and there is a definite autumnal feel in the air. The darker nights are drawing in and the ‘C’ (meaning Christmas!) word is being mentioned much more frequently than some of us would like. Last weekend I found myself popping into a craft fair and there were lots of little trinkets and hand-made gifts to buy.


As I browsed, I found myself having similar conversations with two or three stallholders at the craft fair, each said they found the time spent being creative aided their own mental health and well-being. One lady said she found it helped her to feel less stressed and anxious.


I’ve found myself wondering why at times we feel a pang of guilt or as if we’re being selfish, doing something that we enjoy that brings us pleasure.


I’m a firm believer in a balanced approach to life, so whether it’s a lovely walk in the autumnal sunshine that we’ve had of late, or picking up those paints and brushes that have been in the back of a cupboard for a while, let’s take the time and make the effort to do those things that bring us joy and pleasure.


We have our Christmas Wreath making on 10 December – and you will need to book – but it’s a wonderful opportunity to get into the Christmas mood and attend to your mental well-being at the same time.


Keep an eye out for our Christmas card which will have all our Christmas Services across the whole team of Churches. These services are on our website, so you can plan ahead. I look forward to seeing you.


With my love and prayers