Christingle – Family Service, December 10th 2023 at 11:00am

Our December Family Service is our annual Christingle celebration.  

Christingles are made using oranges and a few other things. During the service, each person will be given a Christingle and the candles are all lit to create a warm, magical glow symbolising the light of Christ and bringing hope to people living in darkness.  The collection at our service will go directly to The Children’s Society. 

Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell the Christian story:

  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations
  • The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.

Everyone is welcome – just turn up for refreshments at 11:00 and the service begins at about 11:15.

Our Christingle service is one of hundreds of similar services taking place in churches, schools and communities all over the country to raise money for the Children’s Society. 


To find out more about Christingle and the Children’s Society click the logo.